Electromagnetic Pulse: By thumping the handle, the axe can release an electromagnetic pulse due to it being made from a parasitic MUTO bone, although not it's as powerful as a living parasitic MUTO, and can only be used once before recharging.Then axe can release its stored energy when striking an object with sufficient force, which will produce a tremendous blast. Power Absorption: The axe is capable of absorbing and even storing the energy radiating from Godzilla's atomic breath to augment its strength.Enraged by Wukong's death, Kong then fights Mechagodzilla, using his axe to strike Mechagodzilla's metal limbs, failing due to the axe's power depletion, Godzilla then helped by recharging the ace with his atomic breath before Kong used it to brutally destroy Mechagodzilla. In 2028 during Mechagodzilla's Hunt, Kong picked up his axe once more after Mechagodzilla nearly invaded the Hollow Earth by boring a hole into the ground, using the axe to climb up the hole, he reached the surface to find Wukong in critical condition before dying.

Kong would proceed to use the axe in his second battle against Godzilla to great effectiveness.

When Mechagodzilla attacked, Kong retrieved the Axe and used it to fight alongside Godzilla. However, Godzilla managed to recover and disarm Kong of the axe and defeated him, securing his place as Alpha Titan. The strike was predicted by many to eliminate Godzilla once and all. The axe allowed Kong to block and absorb Godzilla's atomic breath before using the absorbed energy to land a decisive blow on the reptilian Titan, knocking him unconscious for a brief minute. While exploring the Hollow Earth, Kong found the axe embedded in the skull of an unidentified Hollow Earth Titan inside his ancestors' stronghold. You see the intricate bluish pattern-like marks or something that glows from it which is much the same as the axe. Try to compare it with the Big G’s dorsal plates. Notice the glowing blue thingy at the Axe’s edge. The axe can also be thrown to inflict damage and its side can shield against focused attacks. Kong’s battle axe is made from an unknown Titan femur (handle) and the blades are made from another Titanus Gojira Specimen. It is also sharp enough to pierce through Godzilla's armored scales and the metallic body of Mechagodzilla, although it took some time and some of Godzilla's Atomic Breath. The axe is capable of absorbing and even storing both the energy radiating from the Earth's core as well as Godzilla's atomic breath to augment its strength. It is said that both the dorsal plate and the possibly femur is too big compared to Godzilla's, meaning this 'axe' was made from a way bigger specimen of Godzilla's species. Kong, the axe handle appears to be made with a wood and the blade have a different format from the movie. When charged with radiation, the blade glows a bright blue and the handle glows a soft red. The 207.4 foot long axe shares a great resemblance with a tomahawk, except it has a bone similar to femur as its handle and a Titanus Gojira's dorsal plate as its blade.